Game Over

So has anyone ever noticed the remarkable similarities between Life the Cereal and Life the Game? The logos themselves use practically the same colors. Well I have. So I decided to expose this uncanny parallelism to the world the only way I know how: through illustrated humor. If the site isn’t here tomorrow, it’s probably because Milton Bradley shut us down.

Game Over

Max Players: 1

The Ara Project

Ara Concept ArtIt is my proud duty to officially announce the next large-scale project coming from Base14. For the last two months, we have been in the development phase of our next animated short film entitled “Ara.” As of yesterday, the film was approved for sponsorship in the Digital Cinema Contest here at Purdue and is now transitioning into full preproduction.

Our pitch line is “A young monk must save her people from annihilation using an ancient religion in which only she believes.” It’s a mixture of fantasy, action, martial arts and sci-fi. Pictured on the right is a concept design for the main protagonist, Ara.

This project is going to be a long time in the making, but well worth the commitment. Watch out for many more updates in the coming months!

Winter Formal

While applying to grad schools this weekend, I came across an old comic I drew four years ago for an underground newspaper called “The Edge: Penguin Edition.” Of course, it was never published. But it made me laugh, so I decided it deserved a chance to see the light of day. So here’s version 2.0!

And for the record, I liked penguins before they became so darn popular.

Winter Formal

Dress to impress.

Purdue Homecoming 2007 Video

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Wowzer! Today begins the 2007 Homecoming King and Queen Contest here at Purdue University. I was asked by the members of the Homecoming Committee to help them put together a little video for our local television network BoilerTV. Cool!

The video features factoids on all fourteen candidates. It’s a take on the “Brady Bunch” theme, was written by Joe Zerbo and was sung by Levi Riggs. It was a honor working with all the homecoming candidates and directors, not to mention lots of fun! Congratulations to all of them on getting this far and best of luck in the election! Boiler Up!

Trouble In Paradise

Trouble In Paradise

Fatal Error.

Junior High J-Day

It’s a good day in the world of journalism education! Today I drove to Ball State University for Junior High J-Day, sponsored by the Ball State Journalism Department. I taught two seminars: “Where’d My Feet Go?” and “Dilbert Would Be Proud.” It was a ton of fun. Both slideshows can be found right here:

Where’d My Feet Go 2007

Dilbert Would Be Proud 2007

Junior High J-Day


Well, this week marks the 50-year anniversary of space exploration. And if you ask me, things have only gotten worse. Especially at the amateur astronomer’s level. I’m in an astronomy course right now, and I tell ya, it’s not even safe to record the phases of Venus anymore. At least they don’t let TA’s fly the shuttle.


Now I’m really seeing stars.