Feel The Power

The power of Flash, that is! This weekend was the fourth annual Savanijam, a 24-hour animation contest held by the SCAD Contemporary Animation Society, and Base14 was well represented! In a rather unexpected turn of events, I won Best of Show for my 1-minute abstract music video “Power.”

At 5pm Friday evening, the theme of “power” was announced, and contestants had 24 hours (until 5pm Saturday evening) to create a short film using any animation technique they desired. After spending the last two weeks slaving over Duck ♥ Teslacoil, I was seriously backlogged with work from my classes, so I couldn’t justify going the whole 24 hours. Thus, my plan was to stay the evening and make a little something just to say I participated.

I felt like taking a break from characters and decided to experiment with some abstract animation, transforming shapes and forms to a hip beat. And when it comes to hip beats, you can’t beat Justice. Thus, I produced the above video in under 9 hours, and by 2am I submitted my film and headed for home. At the screening on Sunday, I was quite surprised when my video took honors for Best of Show! Apparently the judges appreciated the piece for its consistent quality and finalized look. I guess the hundreds and hundreds of hours producing Biological Warfare Ain’t Easy, Ara and now Duck ♥ Teslacoil have given me quite the knack for producing fast, professional animation content in Flash. Good to know it was worth something!

My thanks to Contemporary Animation Society and all the other hard-working participants! We’ve got a very talented lot here at SCAD!