Duck ♥ Teslacoil Unexpectedly Goes Public

I was just telling my Flash CS4 Workshop last night that Duck ♥ Teslacoil wouldn’t go online until late this year or early next year. But I was completely unaware that one day beforehand the Digital Artist Awards gave Duck ♥ Teslacoil a “commended” award and published it on Vimeo. Oh snap!

This probably could have gone by mostly unnoticed, but then this morning, the Flash animation blog Cold Hard Flash featured Duck ♥ Teslacoil in its very own post! Wowzers! Now that the cat’s out of the bag and I might as well release an official online version of Duck ♥ Teslacoil.

I wasn’t done planning DHT’s viral video campaign yet, so while it now is officially online, I’m going to keep the fanfare low until after the Savannah Film Festival. I suspect that will give us the big boost we need to really ratchet up the film’s popularity!

Update:Duck ♥ Teslacoil is now playing on YouTube!