I was just telling my Flash CS4 Workshop last night that Duck ♥ Teslacoil wouldn’t go online until late this year or early next year. But I was completely unaware that one day beforehand the Digital Artist Awards gave Duck ♥ Teslacoil a “commended” award and published it on Vimeo. Oh snap!
This probably could have gone by mostly unnoticed, but then this morning, the Flash animation blog Cold Hard Flash featured Duck ♥ Teslacoil in its very own post! Wowzers! Now that the cat’s out of the bag and I might as well release an official online version of Duck ♥ Teslacoil.
I wasn’t done planning DHT’s viral video campaign yet, so while it now is officially online, I’m going to keep the fanfare low until after the Savannah Film Festival. I suspect that will give us the big boost we need to really ratchet up the film’s popularity!
Update:Duck ♥ Teslacoil is now playing on YouTube!
Were they allowed to publish it? You should sue! I for one am not going to watch it online. I’d rather wait until the festival to see it on the big screen!
I’m sure they were, according to the fine print of the contest entry rules. And now that it’s on Cold Hard Flash, I’m not going to sacrifice that publicity to keep it “only in theaters.”
I guess the lesson is to be very careful which festivals you submit it to… or let SCAD submit it to, as was in this case.
I just watched it, delaying me writing a paper. Cuteness, Tyler.
If I have delayed the writing of papers, then my mission was successful! Glad you liked it, Evie!
i love it!
i actually learnd a lot from just watching this film.
good job guys!