October 15th, 2007
While applying to grad schools this weekend, I came across an old comic I drew four years ago for an underground newspaper called “The Edge: Penguin Edition.” Of course, it was never published. But it made me laugh, so I decided it deserved a chance to see the light of day. So here’s version 2.0!
And for the record, I liked penguins before they became so darn popular.

Dress to impress.
October 1st, 2007
Well, this week marks the 50-year anniversary of space exploration. And if you ask me, things have only gotten worse. Especially at the amateur astronomer’s level. I’m in an astronomy course right now, and I tell ya, it’s not even safe to record the phases of Venus anymore. At least they don’t let TA’s fly the shuttle.

Now I’m really seeing stars.
September 24th, 2007
For those of you that don’t hang around the Purdue CGT Department much, I’ve recently been granted a lab attendant position for one of the big, fancy computer labs. And in the short amount of time I’ve been working, I’ve already learned many valuable lessons. Like never trust Rick DeSutter. Ever. For any reason. Period.

Just kidding, Rick. 
September 17th, 2007
Well, with all the time EMV has taken up recently, I didn’t have a chance to draw the comic I wanted to this week. But here’s a simple one that popped into my mind this morning.

Like, toad-ally.
September 10th, 2007
So you’ve all seen the new lineup of iPods, yes? Stunning. It was enough to make me go out and buy an iriver Clix2. Hey, that reminds me, this week’s comic is hot off the presses and posted directly below! It looks a lot better than last week because I took my time and did it all in Photoshop this time.

Now if only I could find some iTissues…
September 3rd, 2007
Happy Labor Day, everyone! Hope you’ve been living it up with lots of relaxing, non-labor-like activities. Because as soon as tomorrow gets here, it’s back to boring ol’ work. Or as I like to call it, ed-you-kayshun. Anyhow, here’s this week’s comic. It’s about summer, and how much I hate it. Enjoy!

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Wow, Went to Indianapolis and saw it on the full screen! Ama...
Great tutorial ...Thanx a lot ......
I know I am probably too late with this reply but we do not ...
I would like to ask if I can use your picture to our school ...
The Flash stage is transparent by default. I think what you ...