Munk: A Game of Skill

Well, while the Base14 movie division is seeding the foundations of some new projects and the development division is working some other odd jobs, I thought now would be a good time to pull an oldie from the Base14 time capsule. So today we present to you a real gem: Munk. It is, to put it simply, a game of skill. Actually, it’s a Flash game created by myself and Rick DeSutter. The player takes on the role of Munk the chipmunk, who must quickly collect enough acorns to make it through the winter. Problem is: acorns can grow awfully high up! Click the link and have a go at our little game. If you reach the 200th acorn, things get very interesting. Enjoy!

Play the Munk Flash Game

“Ara” Online Premiere

Ara Laurels

(Either JavaScript is not active or you are using an old version of Adobe Flash Player. Please install the newest Flash Player.)

The long wait is finally over! Exactly one month since its official premiere in theaters, Base14 is proud to present the award-winning animated short film “Ara” online for the first time in its complete, original version! This version contains minor tweaks since the original premiere version, and several other changes are planned for the final DVD version. The film can also be viewed in the Base14tv section of the website.

So Long, Purdue. Hello Savannah!

As the wise Rafiki once so eloquently put it “Ahhh. Change is good.” And here at Base14 we couldn’t agree more. Change is a strong theme for the company today as I, Tyler, officially graduated from Purdue University with my Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Graphics Technology. Thanks Purdue! Now it’s on to bigger and better things down in Savannah, Georgia where I’ll be attending Savannah College of Art and Design for a Master’s Degree in Film and Television. This can only mean good things for Base14, as my newfound skills in directing and producing will undoubtedly lead to continuously better film productions. Of course we here at Base14 would like to thank all our fans and supporters during our stint here in West Lafayette, and encourage you to keep in touch. Purdue will always be recognized as the spark that gave life to the multimedia development diversity of Base14.

Commencement 08

“Ara” Movie Premiere Video

(Either JavaScript is not active or you are using an old version of Adobe Flash Player. Please install the newest Flash Player.)

To kick off the week right, I’ve uploaded an abridged version of the “Ara” movie premiere / 411 presentation that our group hosted on April 17th. Now you can relive all the magic and the splendor! To keep the length and (more importantly) the file size down, I cut out the parts where we show the trailer, premiere the movie, and answer questions. The full unabridged version will be included as an extra feature on the Ara DVD, along with many other very cool things. For now though, enjoy the recap!

The Mercy Mix

(Either JavaScript is not active or you are using an old version of Adobe Flash Player. Please install the newest Flash Player.)

In celebration of the upcoming release of Ara on DVD and Blu-Ray, we present to you the Ara music video “This Thing Won’t Render – The Mercy Mix.” It’s a crazy techno mix of lines from the movie arranged by none other than our own producer Shauvon McGill, and “skillfully” edited by yours truly. I did the whole thing in about 24 hours, and just tried to be absolutely as wacky as I could. This time I’m trying the YouTube embed, but if I don’t like it, I’ll get back to my custom video embedding.

This video along with many more extra-special features will be on the upcoming Ara DVD!

Iris Film Festival

Great news! “Ara” racked in another win at the Indiana University Iris Film Festival on Saturday! We received a nod for “Best Animation” and it has been added to the film’s growing list of honors. With this, “Ara” is now as successful as “Biological Warfare Ain’t Easy” was last year.

I am Maximus

Alysha here again to breathe life into this Ara-saturated blog. As you may or may not know, I am currently majoring in apparel design. My final project for the year was to make an accessory. While my classmates made hats and handbags, I decided that I was in need of a chic pair of gladiators. As soon as I equipped myself with some leather and a $5 spool of heavyweight thread I was ready to get cracking. The design and pattern were pretty much made up as I went along. I must admit that they turned out well considering I know nothing about making shoes and did not have appropriate tools or machines available to me. If you like what you see, then keep looking out for Base14 Outfitters.
