December 3rd, 2007
Today we bring you the first in a series of comics I did way back in 2005 that were never published, and are simply just too… weird… not to share with the world. Enjoy!

November 19th, 2007
Uh, oh. Another cheesy pun comic. It can only mean one thing: college crunch time!

November 12th, 2007
So the Purdue Chapter of ACM Siggraph recently had one killer event, featuring speaker Paul Debevec and the 2007 Siggraph Electronic Theater in HD. In order to prepare, we did quite a bit of advertising, including a pretty dedicated flyer campaign. Anyway, you can view the results below. 
Oh, and if you haven’t seen Base14tv yet, stop everything and check it out.

November 5th, 2007
I must admit, I can’t take all the “credit” for this one. Alysha thought of the punchline. And remember that cool thing I promised last week? It’s still coming. Just bare with us. 

At least they’re getting fresh air.
October 28th, 2007
Well, the comic this week is a bit light for the reasons illustrated. I shouldn’t be making promises to make it up to you with cooler things to come, but I promise you there are some really cool things to come. Soon. ;P

October 22nd, 2007
So has anyone ever noticed the remarkable similarities between Life the Cereal and Life the Game? The logos themselves use practically the same colors. Well I have. So I decided to expose this uncanny parallelism to the world the only way I know how: through illustrated humor. If the site isn’t here tomorrow, it’s probably because Milton Bradley shut us down.

Max Players: 1
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Wow, Went to Indianapolis and saw it on the full screen! Ama...
Great tutorial ...Thanx a lot ......
I know I am probably too late with this reply but we do not ...
I would like to ask if I can use your picture to our school ...
The Flash stage is transparent by default. I think what you ...