Base14 Studio: Update 2

Oh my goodness! What a mess that all was to sort out. If you’ve been attempting to explore the site in the past week, you very well may of noticed that none of it worked! Well, we noticed it too. And withholding some unforeseen extra glitches, I think we’ve got it all sorted out now.

The problem, it seemed, occurred while moving the entire site from the old host to the new one. The process I originally used to transfer the blog called for a complete transfer of blog directories with all original files intact, and a exact backup and restoration of the blog database using phpmyadmin. This process, while it did successfully connect the file structure with the database, somehow got the permalink functionality messed up, resulting in every subpage of the site becoming inaccessible. As I looked for the cause of the problem, I realized how deeply saturated the entire WordPress setup was with outdated plugins and leftover Yahoo host paraphernalia. And to top it off, the entire WordPress back end was due for an update.

My eventual solution was to take the scrambled, malfunctioning installation and export an XML file of all posts, comments and other user data. I then wiped clean everything of the blog, and installed a clean version of the latest release (WordPress 2.6). I activated the two plugins I actually use, uploaded all the content from previous posts (photos, videos, attachments), and imported the XML file of all posts and user data. And surprisingly enough, it worked wonderfully! The clean install allowed me to flush out all the old Yahoo host gunk and the import option saved me from manually recreating every old post (which I was preparing to do).

So hopefully that should solve most of our pressing migration issues to the new host. seems to be working fine, as well as the experimental Base14 flash site. All that remains is to upload the Rightfield archive, which will arrive pending any unforeseen problems.

In other news, while I was busy blog troubleshooting, Eli was out wandering the streets, looking for new rodent friends. It looks like he even found some too. That had better be character design research, Eli! And I don’t want to see him wearing red suspenders.

Help me! I can't climb the curb.

Help me! I can't climb the curb alone.