Duck ♥ Teslacoil Has Arrived!

Duck Heart Teslacoil Promo Image

I am very proud to announce that our long-awaited animated film, Duck ♥ Teslacoil, has finally been completed! As promised, we mixed sound and finished pick-up animation over the weekend, then shipped off the final cut of the film early Monday morning! Woopee! I am so proud of our talented and dedicated crew and supporters. We couldn’t have done it without you all.

This is only the beginning, really. Duck ♥ Teslacoil is undoubtedly the best motion picture Base14 has ever produced, and we have big plans for it. Over the next several months we will be submitting it to a variety of film contests and festivals. This will be your chance to get out, mix with some culture, and see just what all the hubbub has been about! And I mean your only chance. Since Duck ♥ Teslacoil is touring the festivals, it will not be available online for some time. So get out and see it on the big screen, like it was meant to be viewed. (We produced it in full HD, dontchaknow).

Where and when are these festivals? Good question. We don’t know yet! I all depends on who accepts us. But as we get offers to show, we will be building and maintaining a list of tour dates right here on the Base14 site. So keep an ear open for show announcements! And if you want to make sure DHT comes to you, send me an email and let me know you want it nearby! Hopefully there’s a festival we can submit to that will bring it right to your doorstep.

And if you still can’t wait ’til then, remember that the teaser is always up on YouTube.