“Ara” Movie Trailer

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And we are BACK! Sorry for the content hiatus, but Here at Base14 we’ve been working nonstop on our next large scale project, “Ara.” This 7 minute animated spectacle features content generated from over 5 separate graphics packages by over 15 talented graphic artists. It also boasts a completely original story, voice acting and musical score. The movie was finally completed on Thursday, and I hurried up and cut together a trailer Friday. The long wait has been worth it, though, because today I’m pleased to share with you our unofficial trailer for “Ara.”

The movie will premiere on April 17th, 2008. It will be shown in Fowler Hall at 2pm and the Wabash Landing 9 Theateres later that evening.

Enjoy the trailer and keep watching Base14 for additional information and upcoming new projects!